新闻 4月30日2021

Mitie 风景 backs No Mow May to support biodiversity

  • Mitie is supporting the ‘No Mow May’ campaign which promotes biodiversity by postponing some of the lawn mowing for one month
  • Mitie客户, 覆盖了英国50个地点, have already committed to leaving some of their grass alone for the month of May
  • 通过支持这项运动, 由环保慈善机构Plantlife运营, Mitie and its customers will be supporting more attractive environments for pollinators and encouraging biodiversity

Spring has officially kicked-off in the UK and with flowers beginning to bloom, many people are getting their gardening gloves ready. 然而, frequent mowing impacts the habitat of many pollinators and has the potential to reduce the number of bees and flies. So, holding back on the trimmers and lawn mowers in May, 当草在寒冷的冬天后开始生长, can have a big impact on biodiversity as it gives a chance for different types of flowers to grow, 提高花蜜产量, 对传粉者来说,哪个是关键.

记住这一点, 米蒂将支持“现在就不要”运动, encouraging businesses and members of the public to pause some of their mowing and weeding. 通过减少这些活动, plants will be able to produce up to ten times more nectar for bees and other pollinators1. The campaign was created by conservation charity Plantlife发出, to encourage biodiversity. As well as postponing lawn mowing and weeding across its own sites, 几个Mitie客户, 覆盖了英国50个地点, have already signed-up to the initiative to help retain attractive habitats for bees, 蝴蝶和甲虫. This is particularly important since pollinators are declining in numbers in the UK. 例如, the number of wild bee and hoverfly species present in their natural habitat fell by a third between 1980-20132.

Mitie is also encouraging its 员工 to take part in No Mow May to help play their part too. 通过内部活动, Mitie will seek to raise awareness about the benefits of letting the grass grow and ask colleagues to leave their lawn mowers in the shed during May. 与77年,在英国有500名同事, Mitie 员工 can help support the nation’s population of pollinators.

整个月, the Mitie 风景 team will keep track of the positive impact of No Mow May by monitoring the number and species of plants that are present at site locations. 通过与Plantlife分享这些信息, the project will also feed into the charity’s conservation work. Mitie will also use its landscaping and sustainability expertise to work with customers and identify whether any of their estate can be permanently transformed into wildflower meadows. 这一点尤其重要,因为97%, around three million hectares – the equivalent to almost twice the size of Wales – of UK wildflower meadows have been lost since 19303.

The support for the ‘No Mow May’ initiative is part of Mitie’s Plan Zero commitment to become net zero carbon for its operational emissions by 2025 and to help its customers become more sustainable. 2020年,Mitie种植了2000米2, 几乎相当于两个奥运会游泳池的大小, of wildflower meadows and launched its Plan Zero City Landscaping Service to limit the environmental impact in cities and urban areas. 作为此玩滚球的靠谱平台的一部分, 米蒂已经更换了所有的化学品, 比如杀虫剂和合成肥料, 环保技术, 比如手工除草, to help reduce the impact that chemicals are having on pollinators. Mitie also installed 100 bird boxes and 21 bat boxes last year and is committed to installing 200 more in 2021, to support biodiversity in the communities where its clients are based.

Tim Howell, Managing Director, 风景, Mitie, said:

“With wildflower meadows shrinking and the number of pollinators in decline, we all need to take action to make our green spaces more attractive to these crucial insects. 支持我们宝贵的生物多样性, 我们鼓励我们的客户, 员工, 其他行业也一样, to join these efforts by postponing their lawn mowing in May and helping Britain’s wildlife thrive.”


  1. Plantlife发出, No Mow May: how to get ten times more bees on your lockdown lawn
  2. 英国生态与水文中心, 传粉昆虫在英国大面积消失
  3. Plantlife发出, Devastation of meadows endangers flower favourites like wild strawberry, ragged robin and harebell

